05 April 2018

OYAK Denizcilik ve Liman İşletmeleri A.Ş. has made an investment decision for an 'automotive-focused Ro-Ro port' in collaboration with Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK Line), one of the oldest and largest maritime companies globally. On April 5, 2018, a signing ceremony was held with the participation of our General Manager, Mr. Cem AYSEL, and OYAK's General Manager, Mr. Süleyman Savaş ERDEM.

The construction of the automotive port, which will begin in 2019, is scheduled to be operational by 2020. Serving as the gateway for international automobile brands' exports/imports, OYAK Port will enter the ranks of the world's prominent ports with its standards and capacity, creating employment for approximately 1000 individuals. Situated on a 235,000 square meter area in the Yarımca region of Körfez district in Kocaeli, the port will exclusively cater to the automotive sector with an annual handling capacity of 780,000 vehicles.

During the OYAK Port press conference held on April 5, 2018, OYAK's General Manager, Mr. Süleyman Savaş ERDEM, expressed the aim for OYAK Port to become the center of international logistics traffic. Erdem emphasized that OYAK Port would serve as a logistics distribution center (hub) between the east and west. He stated, 'Through discussions with leaders in international automotive trade, we recognized the need of the automotive sector, which holds a 21% share in exports and is an export leader, for a global standard and high-capacity port. OYAK, renowned for its investments addressing our country's needs, once again stepped up, and today, we take pride in contributing a new added value to our country.'"

This statement underlines the strategic vision of OYAK Port to become a pivotal hub for international logistics, particularly in the automotive sector, and OYAK's commitment to meeting the nation's requirements through investments that create significant value.    

 NYK Line's Automotive Group President, Koichi Chikaraishi, expressed excitement about Nippon Yusen Kaisha's enthusiasm in constructing its 17th automotive port in Turkey. He mentioned that since 2014, they had been seeking investment partners in Turkey and after two years of negotiations, they engaged in discussions with OYAK. Chikaraishi stated, 'The prominence and strength of OYAK as one of Turkey's most established and influential groups deeply impressed us. Today, I take pride in signing this agreement. I wish for the collaboration initiated today with OYAK Denizcilik ve Liman İşletmeleri A.Ş. to further strengthen and continue.'"

Chikaraishi's statement reflects the admiration for OYAK's stature and the optimistic outlook for a robust and enduring collaboration between Nippon Yusen Kaisha and OYAK Denizcilik ve Liman İşletmeleri A.Ş.